This blog is not designed as a substitute for a life; enjoyment of its contents may actually be enhanced by the reader's possession of a life, and of a brain capable of processing information to reach its own conclusions. [Twisted - Jessica Zafra]

Monday, April 11, 2005

sleep all, sleep all day

Ever had the feeling of being so tired, yet unable to sleep?...Shiyet!!!

After over 36 hours of being awake, nt js awake but alive n kicking pa…nag beach den duty sa hospital, graveyard shift (rounder)…God knows that I deserve to sleep…I have to sleep…I need to sleep…but no! my eyes are still WIDE OPEN! Heeeelp!!!

I tried every possible thing to get myself to sleep…changing from position to another position, drink milk (which I normally don’t do), surf d net, read, even the corniest: count sheeps! Huhuhu how desperate can I get? Somebody heeeelp!!!


Blogger Wilderop said...

A shower, followed by an orgasm, followed by reading a rather boring if interesting book always put me to sleep.

6:25 AM, April 14, 2005


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